"Zero Waste Project" Saved 874 Trees
With the "Zero Waste Project" 874 trees were saved from being cut down.The "Zero Waste Project" initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization under the auspices of Emine Erdoğan, the wife of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, continues to be implemented in our University. The project, which was launched in October 2018 at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences with the Rectorate Building, was implemented in a short period of time and was extended to all units of Ağdacı, Kutlubey, Ulus, and Kurucaşile. During this period, 19220 kilograms of paper, 13178 kilograms of plastic, 4228 kilograms of glass, 295 kilograms of metal and 2100 kilograms of plant waste were added to the economy from the campuses of our University.