In accordance with the aim of providing information about the environment to our students, staff, and people of various ages, conferences and training were organized by experts in their fields.
Subject of Education | Speaker | Date |
Impact of Environmental Pollutants | Assoc. Dr. Ertuğrul ERDOĞMUŞ | 08.08.2018-09.01.2019 |
Impact of Environmental Pollutants | Res. Assist. N.Erdem DELİKANLI | 29.08.2018-12.09.2018-10.10.2018-14.11.2018-20.02.2019-20.03.2019-27.03.2019 Planlanan Tarih:10.04.2019-15.05.2019 |
Environmental Awareness | Dr. Lecturer Gülten GÜNEŞ | 05.09.2018-12.09.2018-14.11.2018-28.11.2018-05.12.2018-12.12.2018- |
Environmental Awareness | Dr. Lecturer Üyesi Betül T. GEMİCİ | 02.01.2019-23.01.2019-13.03.2019 Planlanan Tarih: 24.04.2019-08.05.2019-19.06.2019 |
Zero Waste Information Presentation | Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Handan UCUN ÖZEL Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Betül T. GEMİCİ Arş. Gör. N.Erdem DELİKANLI Arş. Gör. Recep Önder SÜRMELİ |
10-14.12.2018 |