Sustainability Report
Bartın University Sustainability Report
Bartın University focuses on education, research and social responsibility, environmental consciousness and sustainability issues on the aspect of “Sustainable Environment” and moves with the aim of becoming a “Green Campus”. Bartın University has accelerated its studies within the scope of GreenMetric, “World Environmental Universities Ranking”. In 2018, Bartin University ranked as 11th in our country.
With the sustainability and environmental point, via “Zero Waste Project”, especially on wastes and recycling and water use, education and research field important steps were taken. In this context, Bartın University provides both infrastructure and energy efficiency with its smart buildings under construction on the Kutlubey Campus and thermal insulation made by environmentally friendly insulation materials at Ağdacı Campus.
It supports the green campus policy with its efforts to protect and increase and improve green areas and even to increase water-absorbing areas. At the Kutlubey campus, a pond was created with rain harvesting and later the irrigation of green areas provided from this water source.
Still, within the scope of the “Zero Waste Project”, waste reduction programs have been put into practice for the recovery and disposal of waste. Both campuses have wastewater treatment plants and they are operated with high efficiency. Water conservation programs and water recycling programs are developed to prevent the efficient use of water and wastage of water resources. In terms of transportation, for less carbon footprint ring applications performed in the University. In the field of education, courses and applications are carried out in the associate, bachelor, master and doctorate programs.
Within the scope of “100/2000 YÖK Doctoral Scholarships Project” of Council of Higher Education (YÖK), “Sustainable Forestry”, “Forestry Products and Technology” and “Sustainable and Intelligent Cities” doctoral education provided by Bartın University and also Bartın University raise awareness together with research projects and practices with various kind of activities with environmental educations.
Bartın University Sustainability Report (2023)
Sustainable Development Goals Evaluation Report
Please click to read the whole of the Sustainability Report of 2020&2021 (NEW)
Please click to read the whole of the Sustainability Report of 2019&2020
Please click to read the whole of the Sustainability Report of 2018&2019
Please click to read the whole of the Sustainability Report of 2018.