Nature-Based Solutions in Climate Change Adaptation Process in Urban Spread Areas
"Nature-Based Solutions in Climate Change Adaptation Process in Urban Spread Areas" Student Training Event was realized.The educational activity was carried out within the boundaries of Kahramanmaraş city in the part of Dulkadiroğlu region with the cooperation of Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Landscape Architecture Department (the Coordinator), Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Forestry, Bartın University Faculty of Forestry Landscape Architecture Department and Akdeniz University Faculty of Architecture Landscape Architecture Department.
- To provide innovative approaches to landscape planning and design process to mitigate the impact of the globally prominent climate change driving force or to adapt to climate change and to enable students to experience this process.

The training event was started with the Opening Speeches on October 10 of 2019 and ended with the exhibition of the works carried out by the participating students on October 17, 2019. Information about the event is available at

The third-year students of Landscape Architecture of our University, named Anıl Furkan AVCI, Hilal BESKİSİZ, and İrem ÇEVİK were qualified to attend and completed the education successfully. As a result of the evaluation process, which was attended by local administrators and faculty members, the group including İrem ÇEVİK among our students received an award.

For detailed information please click: ''Kentsel Yayılım Alanlarında İklim Değişikliği Uyum Sürecinde Doğa Tabanlı Çözümler'' adlı "Öğrenci Eğitim Etkinliği" gerçekleştirilmiştir.