"Disability Friendly Solutions in Landscape Design" Project Accepted
With the project, pieces of training will be given on the planning and design of open and green areas by producing "Disabled Friendly" solutions.The education project titled "Disabled Friendly Solutions in Landscape Design" prepared by our university was deemed appropriate to be supported within the scope of the "2237-A Scientific Education Activities Support Program" by the TÜBİTAK Scientist Support Programs Directorate (BIDEB). The project to be carried out under the coordination of lecturer Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Artar (a member of the Landscape Architecture Department). The trainings will be given by scientists who are competent in their fields to produce "Disabled Friendly" solutions in planning and designing open and green spaces in our country. Our University's Disabled Student Unit Coordinator, Landscape Architecture Education and Science Association (PEMDER) and Amasra Municipality also support the project.

For detailed information: “Peyzaj Tasarımında Engelli Dostu Çözümler” adlı eğitim projesi kabul edildi