5000 Saplings were Planted Within the Scope of "National Afforestation Day" and "Breathing to the Future" Campaign!
At the Kutlubey Campus of our university, saplings were brought to the soil with the participation of hundreds of people within the scope of ‘National Afforestation Day’ and 'Breathing to the Future’ campaign.
Within the scope of the Ağaç National Afforestation Day en announced by the Presidency, 11 million saplings were planted in 81 provinces and 2023 points under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. In this context, the “Sapling Planting Ceremony" was held in the Kutlubey Campus of Bartin University.

"Breathing to the Future" act is a re-sprouting of consciousness”
Rector of the Bartin University Prof. Dr. Orhan Uzun also expressed his happiness for hosting the “Sapling Planting Event” organized within the scope of "National Afforestation Day". We are proud to do it. Forests have an important place to ensure the continuity of life on earth. However, the protection of water, air, soil and the beauties they create is a matter of increasing importance. That's why; National Afforestation Day is announced and the coordination of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in 81 provinces to meet the soil of 11 million seedlings in 3 hours, is a world record and a significant re-sprouting.